Draft Official Community Plan for the Electoral Areas (Bylaw 4373) & Ideas Book

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The CVRD is modernizing the Official Community Plan for the Electoral Areas (OCP Bylaw 4373). The OCP sets out a vision for the electoral areas over the next five to ten years consistent with Cowichan 2050. The OCP is nearing completion except for the development of the Local Area Plans, it is anticipated after several years that the OCP Schedule A, C & all mapping schedules will be advanced to the board for consideration of first reading in Fall 2024.

In July, the following draft map schedules will be presented to the Electoral Areas Services Committee: Schedules D, G, L T, P and U.

Here are the OCP Schedules:

(a) Schedule A – Official Community Plan for the Electoral Areas

(b) Schedule B – Local Area Plans

(c) Schedule C – Development Permit Areas

(d) Schedule D – Agricultural Land Maps

(e) Schedule E – Fire Protection Maps

(f) Schedule F – Future Land Use Maps

(g) Schedule G – Growth Containment Boundaries and Areas

(h) Schedule H – Heritage Designation Maps

(i) Schedule I – Foreshore and Major Creeks Maps

(j) Schedule J – Sand and Gravel Deposits Maps

(k) Schedule L – Land Use Designations Maps

(l) Schedule M – Marine Area Maps

(m) Schedule N – First Nations Maps

(n) Schedule O – Floodplain Maps

(o) Schedule P – Terrestrial Parks Maps

(p) Schedule S – Service Area Maps

(q) Schedule T – Transportation and Major Roads Maps

(r) Schedule U – Development Permit Area Maps


We need your input to update the Housing Needs Report for the Electoral Areas!
The CVRD Housing Needs Report online survey will ask you about current and future needs and challenges for housing in the CVRD’s Electoral Areas. Qualitative results from the online survey will help inform the quantitative housing needs assessment currently underway. A report will be presented to the Electoral Areas Services Committee following completion.

Please complete the Housing Needs Report for Electoral Areas Online Survey HERE (5-10 minutes). The survey is open until 5 pm July 8, 2024.


In 2021, the CVRD harmonized seven official community plans into one OCP for the Electoral Areas (Bylaw 4270). The harmonized OCP allows the CVRD to address regional issues holistically and plan more efficiently. The harmonization to the modernization process is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: From Harmonization to Modernization

Watch the 'Harmonization/Modernization' VIDEO for an explanation of the process.

The scope of Bylaw 4373 includes all nine of the CVRD's electoral areas.

Electoral areas in the CVRD:

Area A - Mill Bay/Malahat
Area B - Shawnigan Lake
Area C - Cobble Hill
Area D - Cowichan Bay
Area E - Cowichan Station/Sahtlam/Glenora
Area F - Cowichan Lake South/Skutz Fall
Area G - Saltair
Area H - North Oyster/Diamond
Area I - Youbou/Meade Creek

Watch the 'A Place to Look After' VIDEO for an overview of the electoral areas.

The OCP's framework for organizing land use is called the Transect. Watch the 'Transect' VIDEO for an explanation of how the process helps us develop and inform land use in the CVRD.


Spring 2024

OCP Schedule B Local Area Plans consultation with Advisory Planning Commissions.

Click here for more information about the Local Area Plans.


More than 750 participants provided ideas and completed 125 workbooks during the Spring 2022 Community Circles.

An additional 800 participants provided ideas at open houses in the Winter of 2022 - 2023.

These ideas are compiled into an Ideas Book to share back with the community at forthcoming Ideas Fairs and online. This is a living document and ideas will be added after each consultation.

The Ideas Book has now been updated with community input from the Local Area Plan Step 1 Facilitated Workshops. View the Ideas Book here.


The Story Map is a visual representation of some of the key portions of the OCP. It will take you through the different land use designations and what they mean for the CVRD. This tool will help users get acquainted with land use designations and the OCP in an interactive way.

It's an immersive resource where you can click, zoom, and explore the CVRD through maps and graphics - Click Here or on the image below to launch the Story Map.


Special study areas indicate the potential for future comprehensive development and/or infrastructure servicing needs in three categories:

  • Infrastructure & Servicing
  • Comprehensive Development
  • New Parks & Open Spaces

Click HERE for the complete list of Draft Special Study Areas.


  1. Help spread the word throughout your communities.


The CVRD is modernizing the Official Community Plan for the Electoral Areas (OCP Bylaw 4373). The OCP sets out a vision for the electoral areas over the next five to ten years consistent with Cowichan 2050. The OCP is nearing completion except for the development of the Local Area Plans, it is anticipated after several years that the OCP Schedule A, C & all mapping schedules will be advanced to the board for consideration of first reading in Fall 2024.

In July, the following draft map schedules will be presented to the Electoral Areas Services Committee: Schedules D, G, L T, P and U.

Here are the OCP Schedules:

(a) Schedule A – Official Community Plan for the Electoral Areas

(b) Schedule B – Local Area Plans

(c) Schedule C – Development Permit Areas

(d) Schedule D – Agricultural Land Maps

(e) Schedule E – Fire Protection Maps

(f) Schedule F – Future Land Use Maps

(g) Schedule G – Growth Containment Boundaries and Areas

(h) Schedule H – Heritage Designation Maps

(i) Schedule I – Foreshore and Major Creeks Maps

(j) Schedule J – Sand and Gravel Deposits Maps

(k) Schedule L – Land Use Designations Maps

(l) Schedule M – Marine Area Maps

(m) Schedule N – First Nations Maps

(n) Schedule O – Floodplain Maps

(o) Schedule P – Terrestrial Parks Maps

(p) Schedule S – Service Area Maps

(q) Schedule T – Transportation and Major Roads Maps

(r) Schedule U – Development Permit Area Maps


We need your input to update the Housing Needs Report for the Electoral Areas!
The CVRD Housing Needs Report online survey will ask you about current and future needs and challenges for housing in the CVRD’s Electoral Areas. Qualitative results from the online survey will help inform the quantitative housing needs assessment currently underway. A report will be presented to the Electoral Areas Services Committee following completion.

Please complete the Housing Needs Report for Electoral Areas Online Survey HERE (5-10 minutes). The survey is open until 5 pm July 8, 2024.


In 2021, the CVRD harmonized seven official community plans into one OCP for the Electoral Areas (Bylaw 4270). The harmonized OCP allows the CVRD to address regional issues holistically and plan more efficiently. The harmonization to the modernization process is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: From Harmonization to Modernization

Watch the 'Harmonization/Modernization' VIDEO for an explanation of the process.

The scope of Bylaw 4373 includes all nine of the CVRD's electoral areas.

Electoral areas in the CVRD:

Area A - Mill Bay/Malahat
Area B - Shawnigan Lake
Area C - Cobble Hill
Area D - Cowichan Bay
Area E - Cowichan Station/Sahtlam/Glenora
Area F - Cowichan Lake South/Skutz Fall
Area G - Saltair
Area H - North Oyster/Diamond
Area I - Youbou/Meade Creek

Watch the 'A Place to Look After' VIDEO for an overview of the electoral areas.

The OCP's framework for organizing land use is called the Transect. Watch the 'Transect' VIDEO for an explanation of how the process helps us develop and inform land use in the CVRD.


Spring 2024

OCP Schedule B Local Area Plans consultation with Advisory Planning Commissions.

Click here for more information about the Local Area Plans.


More than 750 participants provided ideas and completed 125 workbooks during the Spring 2022 Community Circles.

An additional 800 participants provided ideas at open houses in the Winter of 2022 - 2023.

These ideas are compiled into an Ideas Book to share back with the community at forthcoming Ideas Fairs and online. This is a living document and ideas will be added after each consultation.

The Ideas Book has now been updated with community input from the Local Area Plan Step 1 Facilitated Workshops. View the Ideas Book here.


The Story Map is a visual representation of some of the key portions of the OCP. It will take you through the different land use designations and what they mean for the CVRD. This tool will help users get acquainted with land use designations and the OCP in an interactive way.

It's an immersive resource where you can click, zoom, and explore the CVRD through maps and graphics - Click Here or on the image below to launch the Story Map.


Special study areas indicate the potential for future comprehensive development and/or infrastructure servicing needs in three categories:

  • Infrastructure & Servicing
  • Comprehensive Development
  • New Parks & Open Spaces

Click HERE for the complete list of Draft Special Study Areas.


  1. Help spread the word throughout your communities.

Page last updated: 04 Jul 2024, 03:25 PM