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The Final South Cowichan Community Issues Assessment Report will be available for public review in February, 2025
What’s Happening?
The CVRD is seeking community input on current issues and concerns around governance and service delivery in the South Cowichan communities of Mill Bay/Malahat, Shawnigan Lake, and Cobble Hill (Electoral Areas A, B, and C). The outcome of this assessment will help residents and the CVRD understand the current situation and together, understand if service or governance gaps exist and identify any next steps required. This assessment will not include recommendations to explore a new governance structure or outline changes in service delivery.
Key elements and objectives of this project include:
A comprehensive technical review that describes the current planning context, governance structure as well as the various roles, responsibilities, and jurisdictions of service providers for each of the South Cowichan communities.
Hear what the community has to say about current issues and concerns around governance and service delivery.
Connect with First Nations governments in the South Cowichan area to understand their perspectives, concerns, and ideas.
Engage key community groups, private service providers, and improvement districts to articulate the issues they see in South Cowichan overall.
Summarize all the above findings for consideration by residents to the CVRD Board.
Project Timeline
What Areas are Included in this Assessment?
South Cowichan communities included in this assessment are:
Electoral Area A (Mill Bay/ Malahat)
Electoral Area B (Shawnigan Lake)
Electoral Area C (Cobble Hill)
Within these communities, engagement groups identified include:
All residents within Electoral Area A, B, and C (whether renters, owners, seasonal, etc.)
Property owners who may live outside the South Cowichan area
Local community groups (representing residents in the area)
Residents associations
Representatives from various CVRD committees (i.e. Parks Advisory Committee), as identified
Improvement districts
Private service providers
CVRD Board Directors
Relevant Provincial Ministries
Neighbouring jurisdictions - First Nations (government-to-government meetings)
The Final South Cowichan Community Issues Assessment Report will be available for public review in February, 2025
What’s Happening?
The CVRD is seeking community input on current issues and concerns around governance and service delivery in the South Cowichan communities of Mill Bay/Malahat, Shawnigan Lake, and Cobble Hill (Electoral Areas A, B, and C). The outcome of this assessment will help residents and the CVRD understand the current situation and together, understand if service or governance gaps exist and identify any next steps required. This assessment will not include recommendations to explore a new governance structure or outline changes in service delivery.
Key elements and objectives of this project include:
A comprehensive technical review that describes the current planning context, governance structure as well as the various roles, responsibilities, and jurisdictions of service providers for each of the South Cowichan communities.
Hear what the community has to say about current issues and concerns around governance and service delivery.
Connect with First Nations governments in the South Cowichan area to understand their perspectives, concerns, and ideas.
Engage key community groups, private service providers, and improvement districts to articulate the issues they see in South Cowichan overall.
Summarize all the above findings for consideration by residents to the CVRD Board.
Project Timeline
What Areas are Included in this Assessment?
South Cowichan communities included in this assessment are:
Electoral Area A (Mill Bay/ Malahat)
Electoral Area B (Shawnigan Lake)
Electoral Area C (Cobble Hill)
Within these communities, engagement groups identified include:
All residents within Electoral Area A, B, and C (whether renters, owners, seasonal, etc.)
Property owners who may live outside the South Cowichan area
Local community groups (representing residents in the area)
Residents associations
Representatives from various CVRD committees (i.e. Parks Advisory Committee), as identified
Improvement districts
Private service providers
CVRD Board Directors
Relevant Provincial Ministries
Neighbouring jurisdictions - First Nations (government-to-government meetings)
Page last updated: 30 Jan 2025, 03:37 PM
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Project Timeline
Phase 1: March - April 2024
South Cowichan Community Issues Assessment has finished this stage
Community engagement and communications plan
Project notifications and outreach
First Nations initial outreach
Phase 2: April - May 2024
South Cowichan Community Issues Assessment has finished this stage
Information gathering on governance and servicing for communities
Meeting with First Nations
Governance and Service Provision Report
Phase 3: May - September 2024
South Cowichan Community Issues Assessment has finished this stage
Community Survey (online and paper)
Community Forums (held in person):
Mill Bay/ Malahat
Shawnigan Lake
Cobble Hill
Pop-up events and information booths
Meetings with community groups and residents associations
Phase 4: September - February 2025
South Cowichan Community Issues Assessment is currently at this stage
Draft South Cowichan Community Issues (What We Heard) Report
Final Report
Upcoming Activities and Events
Stay tuned for upcoming local events and ways to get involved!