RZ23E01 | Appaloosa Way

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The applicant proposes to modify the Comprehensive Development Residential (R-5) Zone within the Electoral Area E – Cowichan Station/Sahtlam/Glenora Zoning Bylaw to accommodate an eight (8) lot subdivision. Current zoning would permit the development of 23 additional lots subject to providing 6 of the developed lots to the CVRD for parks purposes. In lieu of providing fee-simple lots to the CVRD, the applicant proposes to transfer approximately 23 ha of the property to the CVRD as parkland. The proposed parkland is subject to a conservation covenant with the Land Conservancy (TLC) represent an important trail linkage between Sandy Pool Regional Park and Inwood Creek Park (as part of the Sahtlam Greenway Trail) within the 2018 Electoral Area E – Cowichan Station/Sahtlam/Glenora Community Parks & Trails Master Plan.


The applicant proposes to modify the Comprehensive Development Residential (R-5) Zone within the Electoral Area E – Cowichan Station/Sahtlam/Glenora Zoning Bylaw to accommodate an eight (8) lot subdivision. Current zoning would permit the development of 23 additional lots subject to providing 6 of the developed lots to the CVRD for parks purposes. In lieu of providing fee-simple lots to the CVRD, the applicant proposes to transfer approximately 23 ha of the property to the CVRD as parkland. The proposed parkland is subject to a conservation covenant with the Land Conservancy (TLC) represent an important trail linkage between Sandy Pool Regional Park and Inwood Creek Park (as part of the Sahtlam Greenway Trail) within the 2018 Electoral Area E – Cowichan Station/Sahtlam/Glenora Community Parks & Trails Master Plan.

Page last updated: 21 Feb 2025, 09:39 AM