RZ23A03 Stonebridge

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This rezoning application (RZ23A03) proposes to consolidate the existing zones into one comprehensive development zone with five areas.

The current application consists of three key elements:

  1. Rezoning the subject properties to a new comprehensive development zone.
  2. Amendments to the Official Community Plan to re-designate some of the lands to Commercial (Mixed Use) and to Stonebridge Comprehensive Development Designation.
  3. Updating and consolidating the community amenity covenant associated with the Stonebridge lands.

The land is presently zoned for residential and commercial development. CVRD staff estimate that (based on the land area and existing zoning), the total number of dwelling units that could be constructed today is approximately 753 dwelling units and 176 congregate care (seniors housing) units, for a total of 929 units. The applicant has indicated that if a density limit is desired, a 1,000-unit limit could be placed on the build-out of the site, which results in a 71-unit increase in the new zone (which may, or may not, be built-out depending on the future sewerage and water constraints).

Key components of the applicant’s proposal include:

  1. zoning regulations that would allow for multiple fully serviced ‘show homes’ to be built on larger lots (capable of further subdivision);
  2. A reduction in minimum parcel size for single-family lots from 450 m2 to 300 m2;
  3. A reduction in the minimum parcel sizes for duplex lots from 700 m2 to 500 m2;
  4. A reduction in the minimum lot size for senior congregate care facilities to 1,000 m2;
  5. An expansion in areas where multi-family dwellings can be constructed;
  6. A reduction in the minimum lot size & width for secondary suites (in duplexes and single-family dwellings);
  7. A reduction in some minimum parcel line setbacks;
  8. Permitting “Drive-thru” uses on some parcels located east of Barry Road; and
  9. An option for workforce housing within ‘Area 4’ of the proposed zone.

This rezoning application (RZ23A03) proposes to consolidate the existing zones into one comprehensive development zone with five areas.

The current application consists of three key elements:

  1. Rezoning the subject properties to a new comprehensive development zone.
  2. Amendments to the Official Community Plan to re-designate some of the lands to Commercial (Mixed Use) and to Stonebridge Comprehensive Development Designation.
  3. Updating and consolidating the community amenity covenant associated with the Stonebridge lands.

The land is presently zoned for residential and commercial development. CVRD staff estimate that (based on the land area and existing zoning), the total number of dwelling units that could be constructed today is approximately 753 dwelling units and 176 congregate care (seniors housing) units, for a total of 929 units. The applicant has indicated that if a density limit is desired, a 1,000-unit limit could be placed on the build-out of the site, which results in a 71-unit increase in the new zone (which may, or may not, be built-out depending on the future sewerage and water constraints).

Key components of the applicant’s proposal include:

  1. zoning regulations that would allow for multiple fully serviced ‘show homes’ to be built on larger lots (capable of further subdivision);
  2. A reduction in minimum parcel size for single-family lots from 450 m2 to 300 m2;
  3. A reduction in the minimum parcel sizes for duplex lots from 700 m2 to 500 m2;
  4. A reduction in the minimum lot size for senior congregate care facilities to 1,000 m2;
  5. An expansion in areas where multi-family dwellings can be constructed;
  6. A reduction in the minimum lot size & width for secondary suites (in duplexes and single-family dwellings);
  7. A reduction in some minimum parcel line setbacks;
  8. Permitting “Drive-thru” uses on some parcels located east of Barry Road; and
  9. An option for workforce housing within ‘Area 4’ of the proposed zone.
Page last updated: 10 Jan 2025, 09:11 AM